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Assoc. Prof. Seyid Fahri Mahmud

An economist known with his research in banking, stock exchange and money creation.

  • Member of Economic Theory Division at Department of Economics 

  • He has studied banking and monetary systems around the world.
  • He has analyses about money creation processes and their integration into macroeconomic models.
  • Analysis of Pakistani energy sectors is among his research areas.
  • He has studies agricultural policies of Turkey, Pakistan, and Canada.


Dr. Mahmud completed his BSc and MSc in Economics in Karachi University in 1975 and 1976 respectively. He obtained his MSc diploma in Economics in 1980 from McMaster University, where he also recieved his PhD diploma in Economics in 1986. He has taught and conducted research at Karachi University, Mcmaster University and Bilkent University for years. He is currently a member of Economics Department at ASBU. Among his research interests are  Banking and Finance, Technical Efficiency, Non-Parametric Regression, Monetary Reforms and Energy Economics.

Research Interests
  • Banking and Finance
  • Technical Efficiency
  • Non-Parametric Regression
  • Monetary Reforms
  • Energy Economics

Courses Taught
  • Statistics for Economists I-II
  • Econometrics
  • Applied Econometrics


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