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Central Bank economist Dr. Orhun Sevinç was with us to deliver a speech titled "Skill-Biased Occupation Growth"

As part of ASBÜ FPS Seminar Series, our department was delighted to host Dr. Orhun Sevinç on campus on April 3, 2019. Dr. Sevinç delivered a speech titled "Skill-Biased Occupation Growth" before our faculty members and public audience. Holding a PhD from London School of Economics, Dr. Sevinç is currently working for the Cental Bank of the Republic Turkey.


Department member Dr. Barış Alpaslan has delivered a speech as a panelist in Women's Day Panel organized by Turkish Embassy at Amman, Jordan

Department member Dr. Barış Alpaslan has delivered a speech as a panelist in Women's Day Panel organized by Turkish Embassy at Amman, Jordan on March 8, 2019. The inauguration speech was given by Turkey's Jordan Embassy Murat Karagöz at the panel themed with "Economic Justice for Women".

Dr. Barış Alpaslan has become a research associate at the Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID)

Our department member Dr. Barış Alpaslan has recently become a research associate at the Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID), University of Sheffield.

We wish him all the best in his future endeavours. 

ASBÜ Economics Department

Barıs Alpaslan


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