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Our faculty members Prof. Barış Alpaslan and Res. Asst. Mevza Kurtulmuşlar's article has been published in the "Review of Development Economics".

The article "The Myth of Meritocracy: Does Meritocracy Promote Economic Growth? Evidence From Turkey" by our faculty members Prof. Barış Alpaslan and Res. Asst. Mevza Kurtulmuşlar, has been published in the "Review of Development Economics".

Our faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Burcu Uğur, gave a seminar titled “Child Care Models and Women's Participation in the Labor Force”.

Our faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Burcu Uğur, gave a seminar titled “Child Care Models and Women's Participation in the Labor Force” organized by the Women's Rights Commission of Istanbul No 2 Bar Association.

Our faculty member, Prof. Barış Alpaslan, was a speaker in the event titled “Alumni as Changemakers: How Professional Networks Can Advance the SDGs” organized by Alumni UK.

Our faculty member, Prof. Barış Alpaslan, was a speaker in the event titled “Alumni as Changemakers: How Professional Networks Can Advance the SDGs” organized online by the British Council’s international alumni community Alumni UK on 11th-12th February, 2025.

Our faculty member, Prof. Barış Alpaslan, moderated the panel titled “Inequality in the Digital World: Limits and Solutions”.

Our faculty member and the Vice President of the Expert Committee for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals at the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Prof. Barış Alpaslan, moderated the panel titled “Inequality in the Digital World: Limits and Solutions”.

Our Students Participated in the Event Held at Ankara/Wyndham Hotel on 14-15 December, As Part of WomenUP 2 (Supporting Registered Women Employment Project)

Our Students Participated in the Event Held at Ankara/Wyndham Hotel on 14-15 December, As Part of WomenUP 2 (Supporting Registered Women Employment Project)

Women-Up 2 is an important financial support program jointly financed by the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union and and run by the Social Security Institution of Türkiye.

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